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Career Counseling

Does Your Career Lack Fulfillment?

Are you coming up against roadblocks when it comes to your job, education, or vocation? Have feelings of inadequacy or performance anxiety kept you from working toward your goals? Do you wish that you could stop equating your self-worth to your job title, income level, and other societal perceptions of “success”?

Whether you are just starting out in your career or switching gears after years at the same job, you may be worried about taking a professional leap. Perhaps you often find yourself submitting to a negative inner critic who tells you that you aren’t qualified, capable, or intelligent enough to strive for something greater. As a result, you may be feeling stagnant in life, wondering what your purpose is.

Career-Related Stress And Burnout Are At The Root Of Many Mental Health Issues

It's easy to become confused and aimless without direction. You may have developed symptoms of anxiety and depression—including a lack of motivation—that stem from the unrealistic expectations that society has placed on you to be successful and productive. As a Black man, in particular, you may be discouraged by not being given the same opportunities as those around you. Instead of feeling confident in your skills and inspired by your aspirations, you might lack the energy and guidance necessary to get you on the path toward the life you want. 

Vocational career counseling is not just about updating your resume or completing an aptitude test—it’s about empowering your strengths so that you can feel confident to pursue your goals. By working with the counselors that partner with Therapy For Black Men, you can receive tailored support that can open up doors for your career and in every other area of life. 

Structural Inequity Breeds Toxic Workplace Environments

Career and vocational stress can be a significant source of anxiety for many adults. Within a capitalistic society, we are conditioned to align our individual worth and value with our work performance. So, when we’re not progressing quickly or in the ways we imagined, our self-esteem can take a detrimental blow. 

This can be especially true for Black men, who encounter professional setbacks and workplace challenges at a rate that is disproportionate to their white counterparts. Not only are we less likely to be considered for raises, promotions, or esteemed positions—we are also forced to contend with racism among our coworkers, often taking the form of microaggressions, threats, and silencing. In fact, the Harvard Business Review estimated that compared to 21 percent of white workers, only 3 percent of Black employees were ready to return to work following the quarantine period of the pandemic, citing concerns around workplace racial aggressions.

In a workplace culture dictated by capitalism and white supremacy, Black men are constantly tasked with shattering glass ceilings. Forever having to “work twice as hard to get half as much,” we face immense pressure from our families, peers, and ourselves to overcome professional hurdles tirelessly and without breaking a sweat. 

Furthermore, as Black men, we are expected to be providers. Committed to doing what it takes to support our family, we may work long shifts and undesirable hours only to make enough just to get by. This can lead to difficulty maintaining a healthy work-life balance, which can inevitably lead to relationship conflict and mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, and substance abuse. 

A therapist with experience in career counseling can help with job-related transitions while also providing lifelong skills for coping, stress management, and symptom reduction.

Therapy For Black Men Partners With Coaches And Counselors Of Color Who Offer Individually Tailored Career Counseling

As a Black man, you probably don’t get much permission or many opportunities to say you’re tired. Yet, therapy affords you time and space every week to explore how you are really feeling. The career counselors, coaches, and advisors available through Therapy For Black Men are here to support you on your vocational journey. 

Therapy challenges you to shift your mindset from doing to being, allowing you to be more present in your work, relationships, and everyday life. By asking yourself, How do I want to feel at the end of the day? in career counseling, you can make more deliberate choices that will ultimately support your mental and emotional health.

What To Expect

In order to get started in career and vocational counseling, we invite you to schedule a free, 15-minute consultation to find out more about what you’re looking for in a coach or therapist. From there, you are welcome to search through our provider database to learn more about the therapists of color we partner with. 

Each therapist has their own unique approach and style, but career counseling is likely to be solution-focused, meaning that your therapist will collaborate with you to identify goals and create actionable steps toward those goals. This process empowers you to clarify your values so that you can pursue professional objectives from an authentic, personal place rather than a societally prescribed one.

Moreover, because our clinicians are BIPOC themselves, they can meaningfully identify with some of the workplace challenges you’ve encountered. Their empathetic, culturally aware perspectives will help you feel less alone and unsure as you transform your self-perception from being a victim of an unjust system to being a survivor of it. 

You are successful just as you are, deserving of both validation and empowerment. Working together with the coaches and counselors available through Therapy For Black Men, you can embark on a satisfying, fulfilling career path.

Still Unsure If Therapy Can Help You?

Will career counseling place me in a job?

Career counseling and coaching are not job placement services but rather a chance to bolster self-esteem and awareness so that you can figure out the professional, educational, or vocational track that will empower your strengths. Your counselor may conduct aptitude tests or other career-related intake assessments to help you identify specific jobs or industries that may be a good fit, but much of the work you do in counseling will be in service of your self-care and mental health.

My current job schedule doesn’t afford me time for counseling.

Our therapists understand that your schedule may not be very flexible, especially if you are juggling multiple jobs. That’s why many of our clinicians make career and vocational counseling available during weekend/evening hours and online. Online career counseling removes the hassle of a commute, which will free up your time and give you a chance to attend therapy from the comfort of your home.

I can’t afford therapy.

Counseling is an investment not just in your career transition but in every aspect of your mental health. You deserve to feel empowered, encouraged, and supported as you clarify your life’s purpose.  If the cost of therapy is a concern, note that Therapy For Black Men offers sponsorship for clients nationwide. In addition, many of the clinicians we partner with take insurance. Contact us to find out more about how we can help offset the cost of counseling.

Find Your Purpose, Engage Your Passion

Career-related stress and burnout are common issues in our community, but the counselors and coaches available through Therapy For Black Men offer supportive, individualized counseling to help you achieve your goals. Contact us or find a therapist in your area who can help.
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