Call Us At (646) 780-8278
All Days 9:00 to 5:00
116 West 23rd Street, 5th Floor, New York, NY 10011
Strength Still Needs Support

As Mentioned By

At, we want to break the stigma that asking for help is a sign of weakness.
With a rapidly growing directory of 435 therapists and 24 coaches throughout the fifty states thus far, we are here to provide judgment-free, multiculturally-competent care to Black men.
You don’t have to man up. Let’s talk it through together.


Therapy for Black Men's Financial Assistance Initiative has provided over $110,000 worth of free therapy sessions for men, thanks to the generous aid of our donors. Our mission is to support men across the United States who may not otherwise have access to such care. We are proud to promote mental wellness among Black men and acknowledge the unique challenges and barriers they often face when it comes to seeking care.

Our organization recognizes the importance and value of addressing the mental health concerns of Black men, and we remain committed to supporting this cause and hope to continue providing free therapy sessions for years to come.

We encourage all Black men to take advantage of our services and prioritize their mental well-being. Our trained therapists are here to support you on your journey, and we want you to know that you are not alone.

Unfortunately, we have reached capacity at this time and those seeking financial assistance as of April 4th will be placed on our waitlist. Please leave your email below and our Virtual Care Executive Manager will let you know when we're accepting signups again for the next quarter.

Find A Therapist That Fits Your Needs

It’s no secret that finding the right therapist or coach can be a lengthy and challenging process. You might be asking:
How do I find someone close to home?
Do they take my insurance?
Will they understand what I’m going through?
Can they really help me?
Will our personalities be a fit?
The directory makes it simple, allowing you to search for a therapist or coach by their location and specialization. View their credentials, see what issues they treat, and get an idea if they’ll be a fit for you.
Beyond scanning our directory, we offer a number of resources to aid you in your search.

Wishing you the best in your search for the right therapist.

Black Men and Mental Health: A Snapshot

African Americans are 20% more likely to have serious psychological distress than whites are.
18 - 44
Among men aged 18–44 who had daily feelings of anxiety or depression, non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic men (26.4 percent) were less likely than non-Hispanic White men (45.4 percent) to have used mental health treatments.
15 - 24
Suicide is the third leading cause of death for African American males ages 15 to 24.
20 - 24
African American men ages 20 to 24 have the highest suicide rate among African Americans of all ages, male and female.
African American teenagers are more likely to attempt suicide than are White teenagers.
Young African Americans are much less likely than White youth to have used a mental health service in the year during which they seriously thought about or attempted suicide.

Mission and Vision

In partnership with licensed mental health professionals and coaches in private practice throughout the fifty states, provides proactive, multiculturally competent care to men of color. makes it easy for clients and therapists and coaches to connect with each other.

What Black men are saying about therapy

  • Nova Kei Headshot
    Coming to the conclusion that therapy may be good for me was an extremely humbling one. As black men, we are taught and expected to be nothing but strong - for our women, our children, and in the face of white society. We shield our emotions and mistake this for true masculinity. If anything, not speaking about my personal issues, my fears, my deep desires to be loved, wanted, successful, etc. has set me back. However, therapy may have been one of the biggest blessings in my life. Vladimire is the first and only therapist I have seen. She has been a true angel, challenging me to see different perspectives on my life - from my romantic relationship, to how my childhood and expectations from others have molded my own views of who I am. She has been instrumental in aiding the change of my mindset, and shifting how I view everyday situations. One of the most important components in my opinion is how her belief in God / spirituality has shown through her advisement. Always so kind, welcoming, warm. She leads passionately, but with a calm hand and purposeful tongue. I am truly grateful for her guidance. My hope is that more black men experience the benefit of therapy, and how it can help deliver us from our internal demons and release, “it’s ok to feel. It’s ok to express.” This is how we grow and become who we want to be.
    Nova Kei - Music Producer / Photographer / Event Producer

  • Isiah Frazier Headshot
    Seeking outside counsel to help me become a better man and husband to my wife was the best decision I have made in my adulthood. It takes a sincere person and an individual who can perceive your problems through a lens that is culturally sensitive in order to provide constructive feedback. Luckily my wife and I were able to find all that and more in Vladimire. She has been with us at every step of our marriage and I still hear her words echo throughout my relationship with my wife and for that, I will be forever grateful for having someone so committed to our success.
    Isaiah Frazier

  • Joel Toppin Headshot
    I was always told “If something isn’t broken, don’t try to fix it”. That’s not always the case! You can always enhance and improve yourself. Given the right tools, you can discover that people, places and things are not always what they seem. Engaging in therapy with Vladimire has definitely empowered me with the insight to recognize, scrutinize and have a better understanding on life’s tricky moments.
    Joel Toppin
  • Person Icon
    I am a middle-aged black man. Like many of us who grew up in the 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s, therapy had never been in the forefront of my emotional development. After having gone through infidelity, on my part, and realizing just how that was a manifestation of deeper and underlying emotional frailties current and past, I fully support therapy as a healthy route to developing a more comprehensive understanding of myself. I love my development and perpetual growth I am experiencing and I could only have reached where I am by going through what I have been exposed to in my personal life and in my therapy sessions. My simple philosophy is that I am in a tunnel and am simply passing through, no matter the speed I am not stuck. I am moving in the most positive direction for me.

  • Person Icon
    As a Black man, I was taught that therapy was for weak people. As I matured I realized that line of thinking was asinine and getting your feelings sorted out was one of the best things you can do. I love to workout and I think of therapy as a workout of the mind. Working out strengthens the body and keep it fresh and active. Therapy works out the mind. Keeping things bottled up isn’t a healthy way to live. I’m very open about going to therapy.  Women are much more accepting than men but hopefully, one day, we as Black men will be as comfortable doing therapy sessions as we are going to watch the game.

  • Person Icon
    Going to therapy as a black man has been a freeing experience. I didn’t grow up in the typical household where therapy was frowned upon. Going as a family, in HS and as an adult was seemingly something I was supposed to do. As I got more into my adult life, I began to realize how therapy was looked at in the black community and for black men. I personally am glad I was not told to “suck it up” and ignore my emotions. My dad was a proponent of it which helped shape my introspective ability.
    Michael Collins Jr.

  • Person Icon
    Therapy has help me look at the things I have done and why I receive certain results. It has also made me more conscious of how interact people.

  • Person Icon
    Therapy for Black man is mostly looked at as a form of being weak. Me telling my peers that I attend therapy might even be laughed at with some of my immature friends. But those that are a bit more well rounded would agree that it’s needed to balance a very demanding lifestyle filled with daily pressures. Pressures like, being a black man in the workforce, being a black father, how we are perceived by the female gender and just being a black man in America can all lead to moments where we tend to act out of character. I did this often. I would let the weight of the world get so insurmountable that it would send me into spiraling depressive state or have me explode in rage. With therapy, I can now say that communication is KEY. It holds the key to the gate that either unleashes my anger or holds it in place. I possess that key now more than ever by talking out my challenges and constantly evaluating what makes me tick and why I feel the way I do when I do. It’s also helped me dive into family dynamics that I never thought even existed to that level. I love my sessions now and even though they are rough at moments I am better for them.
    D from New York

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